2025-02-15 on Kevin Guillaumond's blog
Back to the normal update cadence!
A few GTG commits to talk about this month. I finally fixed the bug where a new task wasn’t saved if the editor got closed too fast.
I also fixed the generation of the weekly flatpak, which was failing because the GitHub Action we were using was relying on GitHub APIs that stopped working on January 30th. Unfortunately, the flatpak itself crashes on startup at the moment, something that should be fixed at the same time as the upgrade to the GNOME 47 SDK.
I reviewed some PRs as well - it’s good to see bugs being fixed!
Next I want to fix my #1 pain point with GTG 0.7, which is the Actionable tab not always being up to date. In parallel, I’d like to add some testing to make sure that GTG always produces working artifacts, even if you’re following the bleeding edge. That requires deciding what needs to be working, and I started a conversation about narrowing the set of Python versions we support, and make sure we do support them. Eventually, I’d like to be able to say something like “GTG is expected to work on the latest version of the GNOME SDK”, and make sure that the weekly flatpak reflects that.