Status update, August 2024

Kevin Guillaumond

August 12, 2024

Getting Things GNOME!

In GTG land, my change to fix the infinite creation of error dialogs got merged, which is nice. The solution isn’t perfect, in that there are theoretical scenarios where a string of minor issues can mask a fatal error and prevent it from terminating GTG. But that’s not a likely scenario, and there are things in GTG that are far more broken and need attention first.

In my quest to improve the experience with the weekly flatpak, I have a review up to show that GTG is now on version 0.7-dev (instead of 0.6). There is just one more thing to fix in there, and then we’ll be able to merge this nice quality of life improvement.

After that, I want to look into automated end-to-end testing. Using the latest flatpak made me realize that a bug that I’d filed and fixed back in March resurfaced because of a seemingly unrelated commit. It’s difficult to move forward if you keep unknowingly breaking things while fixing others.

Some people have already started talking about it, so that will be my starting point.


I invested half a day into trying to understand why PureOS Crimson isn’t yet a thing on my Librem Mini, and what I can do to help.

The current status seems to be Road to crimson, which focuses on the Librem 5. I tried to figure out which parts of that would unblock the Mini, and also asked on the Matrix channel. I got no response.

Given that the Librem 11 tablet is running Crimson, I suspect that making it available to the Librem Mini (and the Librem laptops) would be comparatively straightforward.

I know that Purism stopped all PureOS investment in late 2023 and is ramping it back up now. I suspect that any Crimson effort is going towards the Librem 5, but I was hoping I would be able to get some help with the Mini.

With no help from Purism, I am not sure that looking into PureOS would be a good use of my very limited FOSS time.

Since Crimson could take a while to come to the Mini, I am also thinking about just installing Ubuntu on it. Besides the fact that I am getting tired of still being on GNOME 3.38, using Ubuntu would allow me to use the Mini for GTG development.


A nice thing that happened this month was upgrading to Neovim 0.10 on my work laptop. It comes with nice improvements, including sensible defaults that simplify my custom configuration.

It also forced me to migrate to a maintained version of my abandoned colorscheme, and it looks amazing now!

You can find my Neovim config on SourceHut.